The Three Rivers Regional Commission is seeking to hire an additional Planner within the Planning Department. In this position, you will be assisting communities within our 10 county region with a wide variety of community development, planning and economic development related initiatives. Areas include comprehensive planning, regional planning, economic development, hazard mitigation, personnel management, environmental planning, transportation and transit planning. In addition to community development and planning, this position involves grant writing for local governments to fund projects such as infrastructure improvements, trail development, and various other community needs.
This is a professional position that engages in administration, project management, and innovative solutions in coordination with member governments. It involves the application of considerable knowledge, research, and planning in matters of government, public administration, historic preservation, transportation, housing, economics, and related matters. To achieve this, we work closely with state and federal agencies including the Department of Community Affairs/Historic Preservation Division (DCA and HPD), Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), Economic Development Administration (EDA), Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission (SCRC).
p >5/1/2024