Listing Summary
Landscape Maintenance
City of Cordele Gateway Project I-75 Interchanges, Exits 99 & 101
The City of Cordele is seeking bids for landscape maintenance at the Cordele Gateway Project I-75 Interchanges, Exits 99 & 101.
- Mowing areas include all four corners of exits 99 & 101 and the median of Highway 300 that is located in the right of way of I-75. Mow and maintain areas weekly in growing season and as needed in off-season (dormant months). Exit 99 will be mowed by a bush hog type mower, except the areas around the Gateway signs which will be mowed by finishing mower. Also, the median located on Highway 300 at exit 99 will be included in weekly mowing and maintenance. On exit 101, the sodded Bermuda area (between the on and off ramps and next to Highway 280) will be mowed by finishing mowers and maintained so that no weeds or grasses beside Bermuda will be growing in this area.
- Weed control and weed eat all four corners of exits 99 & 101.
- Will monitor all plant material for any insects or disease infestation and treat appropriately as needed.
- Clean up of all small trash and debris twice a week.
- Irrigation will be monitored, and repairs and maintenance will be made by contractor upon approval of the City’s Public Works Director.
- Pine straw will be laid twice a year.
- Any dead or damaged plants, vehicle ruts and/or additional landscaping will be documented and turned into the City’s Public Works Director for approval of contractor to correct any problems with the landscaping.
- Maintenance will include pruning of all shrubbery and trees as necessary.
Please provide a bid apart from the monthly contract to bring this project up to date. This will include additional mowing, pruning or spraying, if necessary, to get all plantings to a suitable appearance before starting the monthly maintenance.
Contractor will be required to have and maintain all appropriate State licenses for application of pesticide and herbicides.
Sealed bids are due by Thursday, October 31, 10:00 a.m. Any bids received after 10:00 a.m. will be rejected. Bids can be mailed in or dropped off at Public Works located at 808 East 11th Avenue.
The length of this contract is subject to O.C.G.A 36-60-13 which is one-year periods at each calendar year unless either party gives notice to the other at least 30 days’ notice before the close of each year on each anniversary date.
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