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Request for Proposals - Marketing & Communications Services

One Valdosta-Lowndes Foundation, Inc.

Listing Summary

One Valdosta-Lowndes

Organizational Background: What Is One Valdosta-Lowndes?  
One Valdosta-Lowndes is a public-private partnership operating within the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce in Valdosta and Lowndes County, Georgia. The partnership is funded by a strong collective of key community organizations and leadership, representing the public sector, as well as private business interests in Lowndes County and the surrounding region. Created for the purpose of ensuring the vitality of Lowndes County, One Valdosta-Lowndes (OVL) represents a collaborative effort to address the community’s economic, workforce, education, and overall development needs.

Based on a five-year Economic and Community Development Strategic Plan, Synergy 2030, OVL will focus on tactical priorities around 1) Civic Engagement & Leadership, 2) Pathway to Prosperity, and 3) Vibrant & Safe Community, representing the most critical issues facing Lowndes County and the cities of Dasher, Hahira, Lake Park, Remerton and Valdosta. With the primary objective of advancing the economic growth and competitiveness of Lowndes County, OVL embraces its vision as the Capital of South Georgia, committing to position a flourishing Lowndes County as the region’s economic, educational, and cultural hub.  

One Valdosta Lowndes (OVL) is directed by a Board of Directors consisting of the following members:

•    Lowndes County
•    City of Valdosta
•    Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority
•    Valdosta-Lowndes County Recreation & Parks Authority 
•    Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce; and
•    Six additional seats representative of business and industry partners throughout the community.

Purpose & Timeline for Submission
One Valdosta-Lowndes seeks to bring the community together with one voice to advance the economic and social capacity of Lowndes County and elevate its impact as the economic capital of South Georgia.

To date, One Valdosta-Lowndes and its partners have a commitment from over 30 private and public funding partners exceeding $2,000,000.00 to implement the priorities written within the Synergy 2030 Plan. A key component of being responsive to existing investors, as well as seeking additional support—both financially and across key stakeholder groups within the community and region—is OVL’s ability to have a strong and robust marketing and communications strategy.

Because of the critical nature of our work and the imminent need to effectively communicate who we are and the impacts we are already making on key projects, OVL desires to attain Marketing & Communications Services as soon as possible.  As such, our targeted schedule for the retention of a consulting firm or individual consultant for those services is detailed below: 

•    December 9, 2024 – Request for Proposals issued. 
•    January 3, 2025 – Proposals due to OVL by close of business. 
•    January 17, 2025 – Firms selected for an initial interview selected and notified by email; other firms not selected notified of decision by letter via email. 
•    January 29, 2025 – Presentations to Proposal Review Committee. 
•    January 31, 2025 – Finalists notified of Proposal Review Committee Decision by email.
•    February 5, 2025 – Finalists presentations, if needed, to OVL Board of Directors. 
•    February 7, 2025 – Selected firm notified by email and telephone.

Marketing & Communications Proposals: Format and Requirements
One Valdosta-Lowndes seeks a firm or consultant with experience in public relations, print and social media, awareness of and relationships with local and regional media markets, video production, media and advertising placements, website content and maintenance, photography, etc.

In order to ensure OVL’s optimal success, we ask that interested firms or consultants submit a proposal to describe your approach to marketing and communications, firm capacity and background of individual staff and team members, anticipated deliverables if selected, as well as list of clients, and description of previous media and communications campaigns and related results. You may submit additional information on your firm, but only the proposal itself will be submitted initially to the Proposal Review Committee. Other materials may be requested at their direction. Any proposals deemed to be incomplete will not be considered.

As such, please submit information regarding the following elements within your proposal:

A.    Firm Capabilities: 

•    Size, scope and experience of firm and individual team members.
•    Services provided by your firm relative to a marketing campaign and communication strategy. 
•    What other resources does your firm have available (either through other staff or affiliations)? 
•    Experience with similar projects (size, scope, type of organization, size of community, etc.) 

B.    Firm’s Effectiveness & Campaign Process: 
OVL seeks to engage a marketing professional/consulting firm over the course of an initial 12-month contract. As such, please submit the following: 

•    Identify a target timeline for each scope of work and anticipated deliverable
•    Defines fees and expenses for services—how/when they will be billed?
•    What are your expectations of OVL staff and Board members in terms of messaging and product development?
•    How do you define/identify target audiences? Once identified, how/when are they engaged?
•    What materials, technologies or supports will be needed to support a successful marketing and communication strategy? Please describe and include associated costs, if any. 
•    What metrics or milestones will you utilize to determine success, reach and impact?
•    Will you need access to office space or equipment?

C.    Track Record and References: 

•    Please provide us with a complete client list over the last 10 years, if possible. Please include information regarding campaign location, scope/purpose of work, type of organization, size of community, etc.
•    Are you presently doing any work in the Lowndes County area? If so, with which organization and where? 
•    What makes your firm “right” for us, and better than other firms/individuals we could select? 
•    Please provide contact information (name, organization, physical address, phone, email) for no less than three (3) current or previous clients.

RFP Submissions: How to Submit Proposals  
Proposals are due NO LATER THAN January 3, 2025, at 5pm. Any proposals that are submitted as hard copy via USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc. MUST BE received by the date defined above. Proposals may also be submitted electronically via email. Please submit proposals to the following:

Mary Beth Brownlee, Director
One Valdosta-Lowndes
1200 N. Patterson Street
Valdosta, GA  31602 

For additional information, please visit OVL’s website at; or contact OVL Director Mary Beth Brownlee at 404.227.4976 or at 

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