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Supervisor of Elections and Registration


Listing Summary

The Burke County Board of Commissioners and Board of Elections & Registration are seeking applications from qualified individuals to fill a vacancy for the Supervisor of Elections and Registration. Individuals must have a High School Diploma or equivalent. A bachelor’s degree is preferred. Individuals must have experience in working on local elections, voter registration or both. Must have a valid Georgia Driver’s License and must be proficient with Microsoft Office programs. The candidate for this position must have a detailed knowledge of or the ability to acquire knowledge of Federal, State, and local Elections law and requirements and the ability to ensure compliance with all aspects of Election law. One must have computer expertise to learn the current and revised voter registration system and elections equipment and software. One must also possess the ability to work with State Elections resources. The successful candidate will be required to obtain and maintain Georgia Elections and Registration Official Certification.

The Supervisor of Elections and Registration works directly under the supervision of the County Manager and the Board of Elections. This position is responsible for the smooth and efficient operation of County, State and Federal Elections within Burke County. The employee will also register new voters and maintain the voting records for residents of the County. The Supervisor of Elections also serves as the custodian of voting equipment and the filing officer for candidates. The position is a full-time county employee position with Health Insurance, Retirement, Vacation and Sick Leave.

For more information contact County Manager, Merv Waldrop at 706-554-2324 or via email at

Please submit a resume and cover letter to County Manager at PO Box 89, Waynesboro, GA 30830, in person at 602 Liberty Street, or by email at The first review of resumes will take place on February 11, 2025. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

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