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County Administrator

Johnson County

Listing Summary

The Johnson County Board of Commissioners has an immediate opening for the position of County Administrator.  This position will remain open until filled.

Major Duties for the position include:

  • Supervise the administration of the affairs of the county and to see that all ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and policies of the Board are faithfully executed and enforced.
  • Exercise administrative control over all departments of the county government under the jurisdiction of the Board.
  • Recommend to the Board of Commissioners the hiring, termination, or suspension, of all department heads in accordance with the ordinances, policies, and rules adopted by the Board and all officers and employees of the county under the jurisdiction of the Board; provided, however, the county attorney and the outside auditor shall be appointed and removed solely by the action of the Board.
  • Act as chief budget officer and submit, subject to requirements established by the Board, an annual budget for consideration and adoption by the Board of Commissioners.
  • Keep the Board fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the county.
  • Supervise and direct the official conduct of all county officers and department heads appointed by the Board of Commissioners.
  • Attend all meetings of the Board with the right to enter discussion, provided the administrator shall have no vote.
  • Serve as the chief purchasing agent for the county and shall implement policies and procedures adopted by the Board for procurement of all supplies and materials.
  • Supervises the performance of  county contracts and negotiates contracts and agreements on behalf of the Board.
  • Ensures compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Maintains county records and prepares all required reports.
  • Represents the county in public and at community events and meetings.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.

Minimum Qualifications include:

  • Knowledge and/or level of competency commonly associated with the completion of a Bachelor's degree in a course of study related to the occupational field; Master's degree preferred.
  • Experience sufficient to thoroughly understand the diverse objectives and functions of the subunits and departments of the county in order to direct and coordinate work within the various subunits and departments, usually interpreted to require three to five years of related experience.
  • Possession of or ability to readily obtain a valid driver's license issued by the State of Georgia.
  • Ability to be bonded.
  • Must be detail oriented.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of modern office practices.
  • Ability to use and understand all office equipment.
  • Good communication skills, both oral and written.
  • Possess good interpersonal skills.

Interested applicants should submit a resume/cover letter to the Johnson County Board of Commissioners at:

Johnson County Board of Commissioners

Attn:  Cassie Walters, County Clerk

P.O. Box 269

Wrightsville, GA  31096

Or by emailing your resume/cover letter to: 

Salary for this position will be determined based on qualifications and experience.  Position will remain open until filled but interviews are expected to begin immediately.  Johnson County is an Equal Opportunithy Employer.  A background check and drug screen is required prior to employment.

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