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Community Development Director

City of Vienna

Listing Summary

The City of Vienna is now seeking qualified and highly motivated applicants to fill the position of Community Development Director. Full-time 40 hours per week salaried position commensurate with education and/or experience. Duties to include:

     - Economic development and redevelopment, community development, planning, land development and historic preservation;
     - Oversee the short term and long-term planning processes and day to day operations of downtown development, historic preservation planning,                 administering and writing grants;
     - Explore all development possibilities of residential and commercial within the city of Vienna;- Coordinates and conducts regularly scheduled meetings         with boards and committees.                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Work closely with the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Council, Civic, Community, Industry groups and general public.

Requirements:  Must possess journalistic writing, marketing and public relations skills for all functions within the city. Regularly attends meetings and makes presentations. A bachelor’s degree and/or equivalent experience in public relations or marketing preferred.

Applications may be picked up at the Vienna City Hall, 203 Cotton Street or downloaded from the city’s website,

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