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2025 LMIG/SPLOST PROJECTS: Chip Seal, Deep Patching, Striping, Shoulder Building, and Resurfacing Various County Roads.

Greene County

Listing Summary

The Greene County Board of Commissioners will receive sealed bids for the following projects.

PRL 2025-01 Thru 2025-26 (LMIG) The projects will consists of Chip Seal, Deep Patching, Mill Tie-Ins, and Resurfacing of 44.04 miles of various County Roads. The projects also include Striping, Stop Bars, and Traffic Control.

PRL SB2025-27 Thru SB2025-35 (SPLOST) Shoulder Building: The projects consists of Grading, Hauling, Compacting, Sweeping, Hydro-Seeding, and Traffic Control. The Contractor can excavate the dirt, from our borrow site, to build the shoulders. However, the Contractor will need to provide their own excavator. Vegetation must be established on all (9) Roads, totaling 25.40 centerline miles.

Complete bid packages are available at the Greene County Public Works Department from 8:00am to 4:30pm M-F. Our address is 1700 West Broad Street, Greensboro, Georgia, 30642. You can also receive a bid package by going to our Website

The Greene County Board of Commissioners Reserves The Right To Reject Any Or All Bids.

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