Georgia Local Government Access Marketplace

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City Manager

City of Ashburn

Listing Summary

The City of Ashburn is currently hiring for the position of City Manager:

The City of Ashburn is governed by an elected Mayor and five City Council Members. The City Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer responsible for the city's daily operation with direct oversight of all city departments, including:

 Public Safety - Finance/Administration - Public Works - Wastewater - Nutrition - Municipal Court

The City Manager will report directly to the Mayor and City Council.

Five to Ten years of progressive experience in city management is desired.

  • Applicants should provide evidence of leadership in managing change and crafting community initiatives.
  • The successful candidate will possess a strong ethical compass, an ability to communicate vision, as well as tactical goals and a capacity to traverse a political environment, with direct experience with elected officials. Grant Writing experience preferred but not required.
  • The applicant should have the ability to collaborate with regional partners, with an emphasis on building relationships and identifying resources.
  • Core skills include a working knowledge of financial statements, including trend assessment, forecasting, creating, implementing, and evaluating budgets and cost projections, must ensure that projects and accounts are managed cost-effectively to maintain adherence to the City's financial objectives in the short, medium, and long-term.
  • Skills with a knowledge of computers and other technologies that the role may encounter.
  • Communication skills both written and verbal.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and a passion for Customer Service.
  • Ability to work in what can be a fast-paced, high stress environment at times.
  • Experience in water and waste-water operations will be a plus.
  • The successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited institution of higher learning; an MPA is desired.

Application materials should include:

  • A Cover Letter
  • A Resume
  • The Candidate's Contact Information:  Telephone and E-Mail Address
  • The Names, Titles, Addresses, Business and Home Telephone Numbers, and E-Mail Addresses of three References.

Submission of these materials as PDF attachments is strongly encouraged.

You may choose to apply:

  • In-person at 259 East Washington Avenue, Ashburn, GA  31714
  • Mail to The City of Ashburn, P.O. Box 766, Ashburn, GA  31714
  • E-Mail to Diane Stafford, HR/Payroll Clerk:


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