Listing Summary
City of Palmetto
Community Development Permit.License.Code Technician
Non-Exempt Employee
Grade 11
Please submit resumes to
Job Summary:
Performs administrative and technical work associated with building permits, trade permits, business and alcohol licenses, ordinances, storm water management, and code enforcement all within the Community Development Department.
Major Duties:
- Provides information to developers, contractors and the general public on building issues, property information, procedures, and ordinances; and
- Distribute permit applications, receive completed applications and payments; and
- Enter all permits and track permits in the permit software; and
- Process and issue all Occupational Taxes licenses (business licenses) in accordance with all policies and laws; and
- Process and issue all Occupational Tax renewals; and
- Tracks in an Excel spreadsheet or software of applicable, all occupational tax permits by year; and
- Tracks in an Excel spreadsheet or software if applicable, all insurance licenses submitted, with Name, Tax ID, NASICS code, payment date and amount by year to submit to GMA; and
- Process, issue, and track all Commercial Waste Permits to relevant businesses; and
- Track all inspections related to Commercial Waste Permits; and
- Process, issue, and renew alcohol licenses for those businesses that qualify in accordance with all policies and laws; and
- Tracks in an Excel spreadsheet or software, if applicable, all alcohol licenses issued, renewed, or canceled by year; and
- Licenses/permits for occupational tax, commercial waste, and alcohol should be issued when all documents and fees and code compliance have been submitted and achieved; and
- Process and issue building permits with plan reviews and inspections within 5 to 7 business days; and
- Process and Issue Trade Permits (as soon as all documents and fees are collected); and
- Tracks the permitting process in an Excel spreadsheet or software by year from application acceptance to plan review, inspections and permit closure.
- Reviews building application for compliance with ordinance requirements.
- Issues Certificates of Occupancy and Certifications of Completion after coordinating with the Building Official; and
- Facilitate scheduling inspections; and
- Process applications for zoning, variance, and special use permits; and
- Assist with posting properties and drafting public notices; and
- Write letters of correspondence when required including those related to Code Enforcement violations; and
- Perform inspections of storm water structures when requested; and
- Mapping of storm water structures on city-provided device; and
- Communicate with the public and customers regarding issues about permits, licenses, and inspections; and
- Public Relations related stream clean up; and
- Maintains city’s vacant property list; and
- Prepares weekly/monthly reports for the Community Development Director as they require to ensure all work is being accomplished in a timely and accurate way; and
- Work with city Engineer, building officials, Community Development Director to understand the requirements and process for all permits and licenses issued from City Hall; and
- Work with Palmetto utilities and other utilities when necessary to schedule temporary service, inspections, connects, and disconnects through the development process; and
- Collect fees related to zoning, building permits, trade permits, and the like; and
- Submit all reports to the county and state related to permits and licenses; and
- Applies postage on mail as needed and sends certified mail when required; and
- Notarizes documents for customers; and
- Prepares information for Open Records Requests when required; and
- Keeps their work area orderly so as not to disrupt the flow of work; and
- Participates in relevant training as directed by Department Head; and
- Participates in weekend training when required; and
- Works to deliver accurate and professional information in a timely manner; and
- Records and totals time sheets for approval by department head; and
- Performs related work as required.
Knowledge Required by the Position:
- Knowledge of business English, grammar, and basic math; and
- Knowledge of Palmetto policies and procedures; and
- Ability to read and comprehend policies, codes, and instructions to successfully complete and submit all city, county, state, and federal reports when applicable; and
- Will complete mathematical calculations as needed; and
- Must use independent judgement in routine situations that occur; and
- Must learn and apply new skills needed to promote efficient completion of duties; and
- Has comprehensive knowledge of computer applications and the utilization of such in completing related tasks; and
- Knows of the reports, records, files and letters that must be prepared, processed, and maintained in order to meet the requirements of the department; and
- Ability to earn and maintain Notary Certification (within the first 3 months of hiring); and
- Ability to multitask in a demanding environment without communicating stress or irritation with the customers; and
- Has the ability to compile, organize, prepare, and maintain an assortment of records, reports, and related information; and
- Ability to work effectively and efficiently as part of a team environment, while providing courteous and professional service to the public; and
- Ability to file and manage files in a logical and orderly manner; and
- Ability to understand complex utility issues to communicate effectively with the public; and
- Ability to handwrite in a manner that is legible; and
- Ability to operate the department's equipment in a safe and efficient manner; and
- Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions; and
- Ability to communicate clearly and effectively, orally and in writing; and
- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with City employees, City officials and the public.
Supervisory Controls: Work is performed under the general supervision of the Community Development Director.
Hours: Most work hours will be between 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday.
Guidelines: Guidelines include any direction that comes from the Community Development Director, departmental policies and procedures, the City Charter, Code of Ordinances, personnel policies and procedures, best practices in the permits and licenses field, county, state, and federal guidelines and laws, and the State of Georgia Ethics Code.
Intelligence and complexity: Requires the ability to learn and understand relatively complex principles and techniques; to make independent judgments in absence of supervision; to acquire knowledge of topics related to primary occupation, and to understand the reporting and deadline requirements of this position.
Scope and Effect: Permits and licenses are crucial to the operation of the business of City Hall and how City Hall promotes and supports development, growth, and economic prosperity.
Verbal Aptitude: Requires the ability to record and deliver information, to explain procedures, to follow verbal and written instructions.
Physical Demands: The work is typically performed with the employee standing for extended periods of time, sitting at a desk, and walking around the office. This individual may have to lift boxes, move chairs from one room to the next, carry a drawer filled with cash, and other small tasks as required.
Supervisory and Management Responsibilities: There are no supervisory or management responsibilities.
Minimum Qualifications:
High School Dilploma; and
Minimum two years full-time administrative experience; and
Minimum two years of experience working with municipal licensing and permits.
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